Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Artists 11-15

11. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - 542 plays
It kinda quietly crept on me how much I like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.  I loved "Maps" when it first came out, but didn't go any further than that.  Didn't even listen to Fever to Tell.  Seems strange now that I wouldn't have, considering.

But anyway, fast forward to It's Blitz! coming out, and the band has added some electro pop to their sound.  And electro pop is like my crack these days.  So I listened to It's Blitz!, loved it, listened to their previous two albums and loved them as well.  Now the YYY's are a staple.

Karen O seems like the ultimate frontwoman.  I have not had the pleasure of seeing this band live yet, but I hope to correct that very soon.

My favorite song of theirs is probably "Down Boy", off the Is Is EP.

12. MGMT - 529 plays

MGMT have risen the ranks!  Definitely the most recent addition to this upper territory of my chart.  This is in no small part to me loving their sophomore record Congratulations, only officially dropping this week.  Oracular Spectacular has the killer singles, and I do hope they make more songs like that again at some point.  But I love their new direction, it's a glorious album.  Do not understand the early wave of hate/disappointment.  I hope that over time it is vindicated, but who knows.

13. LCD Soundsystem - 499 plays

Just shy of 5k, LCD!  That will change by tonight.  This Is Happening is soooo fucking good.  James Murphy is a genius, and this is dance rock of the highest caliber.  That is all.

14.  TV on the Radio - 491 plays

Return to Cookie Mountain
is one of the albums that got me into all this art-rock and electro-pop crap in the first place.  I was so impressed.  Dear Science is prolly even better, and came around during one of the best times in my life to date.  It'll hold a special place in my heart forever.

15. The White Stripes - 488 plays

The oldest band in the Top 15, in terms of when I started listening to them.  Jack White is the man.  His output across three bands (and counting?) in the past decade is legendary. 

"The Hardest Button to Button", "Seven Nation Army", "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground", "Girl, You Have No Faith In Medicine" and "Conquest" are some faves.

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