Friday, December 17, 2010

The Walking Dead

Since it had a short first season (only 6 episodes), AMC's The Walking Dead was on the air and then off the air before I even had a chance to blog about it.

But hell yeah, they made a show about the zombie apocalypse. And it's really enjoyable. That dude riding a horse into a deserted (by the living) Atlanta is our hero, Sheriff Grimes. He gets shot and then wakes up in a hospital after the zombie apocalypse has already hit hard. This beginning is similar to that of the movie 28 Days Later.

The production levels are really good, and there's a high level of gore, providing a visceral thrill.  But this isn't JUST a show about zombies. There are some interesting conflicts between the survivors, it's about the characters, blah, blah, blah.

Entertaining run, good start to a series. We'll see how they take this and develop it in Season 2. In the meantime, the first season will be released on Blu-Ray and DVD in March.

1 comment:

Saul T me said...

That waking up in the hospital scene has been used too often. It started from Day of the Triffids, a British novel written in 1951. Then I've seen it in 28 days later which I considered it paying homage, then Blindness which seemed to steal day of the triffids entire plot minus the triffids! I just feel there isn't enough recognition of its origin, and its becoming a generic introduction to post-apocyliptic movies and shows.

Though the walking dead is awesome!