Sunday, September 12, 2010

Resistance 2 Reactions

  • Resistance 2 is the sequel to PS3 launch title Resistance: The Fall of Man.  Of course I didn't pick up a Playstation 3 until much later, so I never played the original.
  •  I have now inherited the sequel (my friend has a smashed/destroyed PS3, so his entire game library is on loan with me) and it's pretty awesome.  With no XBOX 360, I'm a little bummed about not being able to play Halo: Reach, so I'm hoping that the PS3 steps up with its own quality first-person shooting games to make me forget about Halo.  So far Resistance 2 does not disappoint
  • The graphics/visuals are gorgeous, and I'm not even playing on an HDTV.  Very cinematic, gives you the feeling that you're living action movie scenes for real
  • Oh, I forgot the concept - pretty basic alien invasion stuff.  I think it's set in the World War II era though, but, you know, an alternate universe where we fought aliens back then?  Something like that.  'Kill the aliens' was a pretty easy directive for me, so I haven't needed to grasp the concept much more than this, at the moment
  • Controls are incredibly smooth and fluid.  It makes the controls for Bioshock 2 (which is still an awesome game) seem massively clunky by comparison
  • Can the online multiplayer provide me with a deathmatch experience on par or better than Uncharted 2?  Usually I play the single player campaign all the way though before I venture into multiplayer, and I'll probably continue that order of operations
  • When the Kraken (giant sea monster) gets up close and personal, ready to eat you, holy shit!  Really fucking scary.  I'm not kidding - this is one extreme closeup of a monster about to eat you
  • Now I'm fighting 'chameleons', who as you might have guessed, blend in with the background.  But they're gigantic lizards with claws that can tear you to shreds in seconds.  And they're invisible, lovely.  It's satisfying to blast them with the shotgun right before they can get their claws into ya

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